199 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
02-Dec-2019 05:15 Take the Black Risk of Thrones 16 Loss 12 903
20-Apr-2019 17:34 1560 Europe 1560 7 Loss 18 915
01-Feb-2019 09:28 CC 12 Colossal Crusade 12 Loss 12 933
23-Jan-2019 13:48 Aanvalluh! World War 8 Loss 20 945
03-Jan-2019 23:34 Tea Bags and Taco Dips Capital Crusade 6 Loss 14 965
25-Dec-2018 17:19 expansion! Expanding Europe 9 Loss 9 979
27-Sep-2018 16:54 cw666 Civil War 6 Loss 12 988
Initial Score1000
High score: 988 / Low score: 903 / Longest Win Streak: